# Anansi Studio Extensions for Blender 'ABX' """ Collection of Blender extension tools to make our jobs easier. This is not really meant to be an integrated plugin, but rather a collection of useful scripts we can run to solve problems we run into. """ # #Copyright (C) 2019 Terry Hancock # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # import os import bpy, bpy.utils, bpy.types, bpy.props from bpy.app.handlers import persistent from . import abx_context from . import copy_anim from . import ink_paint from . import render_profile # Lunatics Scene Panel # Lunatics file/scene properties: # TODO: This hard-coded table is a temporary solution until I have figured # out a good way to look these up from the project files (maybe YAML?): seq_id_table = { ('S1', 0): {'':'', 'mt':'Main Title'}, ('S1', 1): {'':'', 'TR':'Train', 'SR':'Soyuz Rollout', 'TB':'Touring Baikonur', 'PC':'Press Conference', 'SU':'Suiting Up', 'LA':'Launch', 'SF':'Soyuz Flight', 'mt':'Main Title', 'ad':'Ad Spot', 'pv':'Preview', 'et':'Episode Titles', 'cr':'Credits' }, ('S1', 2): {'':'', 'MM':'Media Montage', 'mt':'Main Title', 'et':'Episode Titles', 'SS':'Space Station', 'LC':'Loading Cargo', 'TL':'Trans Lunar Injection', 'BT':'Bed Time', 'ad':'Ad Spot', 'pv':'Preview', 'cr':'Credits' }, ('S1', 3): {'':'', 'mt':'Main Title', 'et':'Episode Titles', 'ZG':'Zero G', 'LI':'Lunar Injection', 'LO':'Lunar Orbit', 'ML':'Moon Landing', 'IR':'Iridium', 'TC':'Touring Colony', 'FD':'Family Dinner', 'ad':'Ad Spot', 'pv':'Preview', 'cr':'Credits' }, ('S2', 0): {'':'', 'mt':'Main Title'}, ('L', 0): {'':'', 'demo':'Demonstration', 'prop':'Property', 'set': 'Set', 'ext': 'Exterior Set', 'int': 'Interior Set', 'prac':'Practical', 'char':'Character', 'fx': 'Special Effect', 'stock': 'Stock Animation' }, None: [''] } def get_seq_ids(self, context): """ Specific function to retrieve enumerated values for sequence units. NOTE: due to be replaced by file_context features. """ # # Note: To avoid the reference bug mentioned in the Blender documentation, # we only return values held in the global seq_id_table, which # should remain defined and therefore hold a reference to the strings. # if not context: seq_ids = seq_id_table[None] else: scene = context.scene series = scene.lunaprops.series_id episode = scene.lunaprops.episode_id if (series, episode) in seq_id_table: seq_ids = seq_id_table[(series, episode)] else: seq_ids = seq_id_table[None] seq_enum_items = [(s, s, seq_id_table[series,episode][s]) for s in seq_ids] return seq_enum_items class ProjectProperties(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): """ Properties of the scene (and file), used for naming. """ # name_context_id = bpy.props.StringProperty(options={'HIDDEN', 'LIBRARY_EDITABLE'}) # # @property # def name_context(self): # if self.name_context_id in BlendFile.name_contexts: # return BlendFile.name_contexts[self.name_context_id] # else: # name_context = BlendFile.new_name_context() # self.name_context_id = str(id(name_context)) # return name_context render_folder = bpy.props.StringProperty( name = 'Render Folder', description = 'Path to the render folder (without filename)', subtype = 'FILE_PATH') render_prefix = bpy.props.StringProperty( name = 'Render Prefix', description = 'Prefix used to create filenames used in rendering', subtype = 'FILE_NAME') designation = bpy.props.StringProperty( name = 'Designation', description = 'Short code for this Blender scene only', maxlen=16) role = bpy.props.EnumProperty( name = 'Role', description = 'Role of this scene in project', items = (('cam', 'Camera', 'Camera direction and render to EXR'), ('compos', 'Compositing', 'Post-compositing from EXR'), ('anim', 'Animation', 'Character animation scene'), ('mech', 'Mechanical', 'Mech animation scene'), ('asset', 'Asset', 'Project model assets'), ('prop', 'Prop', 'Stage property asset'), ('char', 'Character', 'Character model asset'), ('prac', 'Practical', 'Practical property - rigged prop')), default='cam') frame_start = bpy.props.IntProperty( name = 'Start', description = "Start frame of shot (used to set the render start frame)", soft_min = 0, soft_max=10000) frame_end = bpy.props.IntProperty( name = 'End', description = "End frame of shot (used to set the render end frame)", soft_min = 0, soft_max=10000) frame_rate = bpy.props.IntProperty( default = 30, name = 'FPS', description = "Frame rate for shot", soft_max = 30, min = 1, max = 120) ink = bpy.props.EnumProperty( items = (('FS', 'Freestyle', 'Uses Freestyle Ink'), ('EN', 'Edge Node', 'Uses EdgeNode for Ink'), ('FE', 'FS + EN', 'Uses both Freestyle & EdgeNode for Ink'), ('NI', 'No Ink', 'Does not use ink (paint render used for final)'), ('CU', 'Custom', 'Custom setup, do not touch ink settings')), default = 'CU', name = 'Ink Type', description = "Determines how ink will be handled in final shot render") class ProjectPanel(bpy.types.Panel): """ Add a panel to the Properties-Scene screen with Project Settings. """ bl_idname = 'SCENE_PT_project' bl_label = 'Project Properties' bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES' bl_region_type = 'WINDOW' bl_context = 'scene' def draw(self, context): pp = bpy.context.scene.project_properties self.layout.label(text='Project Properties') row = self.layout.row() row.prop(pp, 'render_folder') row = self.layout.row() row.prop(pp, 'render_prefix') row.prop(pp, 'designation') self.layout.label(text='Render Range') row = self.layout.row() row.prop(pp, 'frame_start') row.prop(pp, 'frame_end') row.prop(pp, 'frame_rate') self.layout.label(text='Extra') row = self.layout.row() row.prop(pp, 'role') row.prop(pp, 'ink') # Buttons class LunaticsSceneProperties(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): """ Properties of the current scene. NOTE: due to be replaced by 'ProjectProperties', using the schema data retrieved by file_context. """ series_id = bpy.props.EnumProperty( items=[ ('S1', 'S1', 'Series One'), ('S2', 'S2', 'Series Two'), ('S3', 'S3', 'Series Three'), ('A1', 'Aud','Audiodrama'), ('L', 'Lib','Library') ], name="Series", default='S1', description="Series/Season of Animated Series, Audiodrama, or Library" ) episode_id = bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Episode", default=0, description="Episode number (0 means multi-use), ignored for Library", min=0, max=1000, soft_max=18 ) seq_id = bpy.props.EnumProperty( name='', items=get_seq_ids, description="Sequence ID" ) block_id = bpy.props.IntProperty( name='', default=1, min=0, max=20, soft_max=10, description="Block number" ) use_multicam = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Multicam", default=False, description="Use multicam camera/shot numbering?" ) cam_id = bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Cam", default=0, min=0, max=20, soft_max=10, description="Camera number" ) shot_id = bpy.props.EnumProperty( name='Shot', #items=[('NONE', '', 'Single')]+[(c,c,'Shot '+c) for c in 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'], items=[(c,c,'Shot '+c) for c in 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'], default='A', description="Shot ID, normally a single capital letter, can be empty, two letters for transitions" ) shot_name = bpy.props.StringProperty( name='Name', description='Short descriptive codename', maxlen=0 ) class LunaticsScenePanel(bpy.types.Panel): """ Add a panel to the Properties-Scene screen NOTE: To be replaced by 'ProjectPropertiesPanel'. """ bl_idname = 'SCENE_PT_lunatics' bl_label = 'Lunatics Project' bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES' bl_region_type = 'WINDOW' bl_context = 'scene' def draw(self, context): lunaprops = bpy.context.scene.lunaprops self.layout.label(text='Lunatics! Project Properties') row = self.layout.row() row.prop(lunaprops, 'series_id') row.prop(lunaprops, 'episode_id') row = self.layout.row() row.prop(lunaprops, 'use_multicam') row = self.layout.row() row.prop(lunaprops, 'seq_id') row.prop(lunaprops, 'block_id') if lunaprops.use_multicam: row.prop(lunaprops, 'cam_id') row.prop(lunaprops, 'shot_id') row.prop(lunaprops, 'shot_name') # Buttons class RenderProfilesOperator(bpy.types.Operator): """ Operator invoked implicitly when render profile is changed. """ bl_idname = 'render.render_profiles' bl_label = 'Apply Render Profile' bl_options = {'UNDO'} def invoke(self, context, event): scene = context.scene profile = scene.render_profile_settings.render_profile BlendFile.render_profiles.apply(scene, profile) return {'FINISHED'} class RenderProfilesPanel(bpy.types.Panel): """ Add simple drop-down selector for generating common render settings with destination set according to project defaults. """ bl_idname = 'SCENE_PT_render_profiles' bl_label = 'Render Profiles' bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES' bl_region_type = 'WINDOW' bl_context = 'render' def draw(self, context): rps = bpy.context.scene.render_profile_settings row = self.layout.row() row.prop(rps, 'render_profile') row = self.layout.row() row.operator('render.render_profiles') class reset_rigify_after_scale(bpy.types.Operator): """ Fix selected Rigify-type Rig after scaling. Resets the "STRETCH TO" constraints on a Rigify rig after they've been disturbed by rescaling """ bl_idname = 'object.reset_scaled_rigify' bl_label = "Reset Rigify" bl_options = {'UNDO'} def invoke(self, context, event): tgt_obs = [ob for ob in context.selected_objects if ob.type == 'ARMATURE'] for ob in tgt_obs: copy_anim.reset_armature_stretch_constraints(ob) return {'FINISHED'} class copy_animation(bpy.types.Operator): """ Copy animation from active object to selected objects (select source last!). Useful for fixing broken proxy rigs. Can also re-scale """ bl_idname = 'object.copy_anim' bl_label = 'Copy Animation' bl_options = {'UNDO'} def invoke(self, context, event): #print("Copy NLA from selected armature to active armatures.") src_ob = context.active_object tgt_obs = [ob for ob in context.selected_objects if ob != context.active_object] # TODO # Are these type checks necessary? # Is there any reason to restrict this operator to armature objects? # I think there isn't. if src_ob.type != 'ARMATURE': self.report({'WARNING'}, 'Cannot copy NLA data from object that is not an ARMATURE.') return {'CANCELLED'} tgt_arm_obs = [] for ob in tgt_obs: if ob.type == 'ARMATURE': tgt_arm_obs.append(ob) if not tgt_arm_obs: self.report({'WARNING'}, 'No armature objects selected to copy animation data to.') return {'CANCELLED'} copy_anim.copy_object_animation(src_ob, tgt_arm_obs, dopesheet=context.scene.copy_anim_settings.dopesheet, nla=context.scene.copy_anim_settings.nla, rescale=context.scene.copy_anim_settings.rescale, scale_factor=context.scene.copy_anim_settings.scale_factor, report=self.report) return {'FINISHED'} class copy_animation_settings(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): """ Settings for the 'copy_animation' operator. """ dopesheet = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name = "Dope Sheet", description = "Copy animation from Dope Sheet", default=True) nla = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name = "NLA Strips", description = "Copy all strips from NLA Editor", default=True) rescale = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name = "Re-Scale/Copy", description = "Make rescaled COPY of actions instead of LINK to original", default = False) scale_factor = bpy.props.FloatProperty( name = "Scale", description = "Scale factor for scaling animation (Re-Scale w/ 1.0 copies actions)", default = 1.0) class CharacterPanel(bpy.types.Panel): """ Features for working with characters and armatures. Currently only includes the CopyAnimation operator. """ bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D" # window type panel is displayed in bl_context = "objectmode" bl_region_type = "TOOLS" # region of window panel is displayed in bl_label = "Character" bl_category = "ABX" def draw(self, context): settings = bpy.context.scene.copy_anim_settings layout = self.layout.column(align = True) layout.label("Animation Data") layout.operator('object.copy_anim') layout.prop(settings, 'dopesheet') layout.prop(settings, 'nla') layout.prop(settings, 'rescale') layout.prop(settings, 'scale_factor') layout.separator() layout.operator('object.reset_scaled_rigify') class lunatics_compositing_settings(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): """ Settings for Ink/Paint Config. """ inkthru = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name = "Ink-Thru", description = "Support transparent Freestyle ink effect", default=True) billboards = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name = "Billboards", description = "Support material pass for correct billboard inking", default = False) sepsky = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name = "Separate Sky", description = "Render sky separately with compositing support (better shadows)", default = True) class lunatics_compositing(bpy.types.Operator): """ Ink/Paint Config Operator. """ bl_idname = "scene.lunatics_compos" bl_label = "Ink/Paint Config" bl_options = {'UNDO'} bl_description = "Set up standard Lunatics Ink/Paint compositing in scene" def invoke(self, context, event): """ Add standard 'Lunatics!' shot compositing to the currently-selected scene. """ scene = context.scene shot = ink_paint.LunaticsShot(scene, inkthru=context.scene.lx_compos_settings.inkthru, billboards=context.scene.lx_compos_settings.billboards, sepsky=context.scene.lx_compos_settings.sepsky ) shot.cfg_scene() return {'FINISHED'} class LunaticsPanel(bpy.types.Panel): """ Ink/Paint Configuration panel. """ bl_space_type = "VIEW_3D" bl_context = "objectmode" bl_region_type = "TOOLS" bl_label = "Lunatics" bl_category = "ABX" def draw(self, context): settings = bpy.context.scene.lx_compos_settings layout = self.layout.column(align = True) layout.label("Compositing") layout.operator('scene.lunatics_compos') layout.prop(settings, 'inkthru', text="Ink-Thru") layout.prop(settings, 'billboards', text="Billboards") layout.prop(settings, 'sepsky', text="Separate Sky") BlendFile = abx_context.ABX_Context() class RenderProfileSettings(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): """ Settings for Render Profiles control. """ render_profile = bpy.props.EnumProperty( name='Profile', items=render_profile.blender_enum_lookup, description="Select from render profiles defined in project") @persistent def update_handler(ctxt): """ Keeps ABX_Context up-to-date with Blender file loaded. """ BlendFile.update(bpy.data.filepath) def register(): bpy.utils.register_class(LunaticsSceneProperties) bpy.types.Scene.lunaprops = bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=LunaticsSceneProperties) bpy.utils.register_class(LunaticsScenePanel) bpy.utils.register_class(ProjectProperties) bpy.types.Scene.project_properties = bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=ProjectProperties) bpy.utils.register_class(ProjectPanel) bpy.utils.register_class(RenderProfileSettings) bpy.types.Scene.render_profile_settings = bpy.props.PointerProperty( type=RenderProfileSettings) bpy.utils.register_class(RenderProfilesOperator) bpy.utils.register_class(RenderProfilesPanel) bpy.utils.register_class(reset_rigify_after_scale) bpy.utils.register_class(copy_animation) bpy.utils.register_class(copy_animation_settings) bpy.types.Scene.copy_anim_settings = bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=copy_animation_settings) bpy.utils.register_class(CharacterPanel) bpy.utils.register_class(lunatics_compositing_settings) bpy.types.Scene.lx_compos_settings = bpy.props.PointerProperty(type=lunatics_compositing_settings) bpy.utils.register_class(lunatics_compositing) bpy.utils.register_class(LunaticsPanel) bpy.app.handlers.save_post.append(update_handler) bpy.app.handlers.load_post.append(update_handler) bpy.app.handlers.scene_update_post.append(update_handler) def unregister(): bpy.app.handlers.save_post.remove(update_handler) bpy.app.handlers.load_post.remove(update_handler) bpy.app.handlers.scene_update_post.remove(update_handler) bpy.utils.unregister_class(LunaticsSceneProperties) bpy.utils.unregister_class(LunaticsScenePanel) bpy.utils.unregister_class(ProjectProperties) bpy.utils.unregister_class(RenderProfileSettings) bpy.utils.unregister_class(RenderProfilesOperator) bpy.utils.unregister_class(RenderProfilesPanel) bpy.utils.unregister_class(reset_rigify_after_scale) bpy.utils.unregister_class(copy_animation) bpy.utils.unregister_class(copy_animation_settings) bpy.utils.unregister_class(CharacterPanel) bpy.utils.unregister_class(lunatics_compositing_settings) bpy.utils.unregister_class(lunatics_compositing) bpy.utils.unregister_class(LunaticsPanel)